High Standards, Higher Heels

High Standards, Higher Heels

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

New Year, New You: Maintaining New Years Resolutions Beyond the First Month

If you're like 90% of Americans, you have probably given up on your New Years Resolution by February 1st.  I'm here to tell you to get back to it!!!  You didn't resolve to {insert resolution here} for the first 31 days of the year, but rather resolved to do it for 365 days.  Everyone has something that they would like to change or improve in their lives.  This isn't about doing it for your mother, father, boss, best friend, or child but it's about DOING IT FOR YOURSELF.  Get back in shape not because your doctor says you should, do it so you look fabulous in the jeans that are currently 2 sizes too small.  Score that killer job not because you are graduating and have to find something, but do it because it is your dream and your worked hard for 4 years for that accomplishment.  If you haven't found a resolution yet here are a few ideas to get you started:

  • Getting Healthy- exercise more, eat less, eat healthier, lose weight, take your vitamins, eat less fast food- everyone has something they could improve upon.  You might as well spend the next year being a healthier you than the year before
  • Scoring an internship, job, promotion- you're going to work for the next 40 years of your life, it'd be best to love what you do!
  • Maintaining relationships with family and friends
  • Getting a good GPA, finishing a project at work
  • Volunteer to Help Others- Whether it is physically, emotionally, or financially this is one you will never regret doing.
  • Quit a bad habit, form a good habit

  • Crossing Something Off the List of Dreams- Every person has a list of things that they want to do before they kick the bucket, every year work on accomplishing another item.  I've always wanted to try snow shoeing, so I talked to my parents and we planned a trip to Duluth this spring break.  Want to take a fabulous trip of a lifetime?  Spend the next year planning and saving money.  There is always something you can do to complete every item!
  • Manage money better, pay off debt
  • Start a new club, hobby, or activity
While stating your new resolution is well and good, actually following though is a totally separate concept.  Make a detailed plan on how to accomplish these each day, week and month- breaking a goal down into easily managed parts will ensure success.  For example say losing 20 pounds by summer is your end goal, each week workout 5 times, that means each day you only have to focus on going to the gym once.  A win each day will keep you happy and motivated to succeed in the end.

10 Reasons to Continue New Years Resolutions Past the 1st Month
1). Sense of Accomplishment
2). Confidence
3). Health and Wellness
4). Improve Yourself
5). Improve Relationships
6). New Experiences
7). Increase a Desired Behavior
8). Small Achievements Become BIG Achievements
9). To Live the Best Life Possible
10). It's for YOU.

Make your standards and your heels higher in 2014!

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