High Standards, Higher Heels

High Standards, Higher Heels

Monday, February 17, 2014

ASME Best Magazine Covers

The American Society of Magazine Editors (ASME) does a Best Magazine Covers Reader's Choice Award every year.  Each week is a new category and participants "like" their favorite covers on Facebook.  Then the winners of each category compete for best magazine cover of the year.

This week (Feb. 17th-Feb 22nd) the category is Fashion and Beauty covers.  I reviewed my favorite covers of 2013!

Shannon's Pick #3: Lady Gaga on the cover of Glamour.  I love the simplicity of the background- the navy with only the "Girl on Fire" headline makes the photograph stand out.  The matches covering Gaga's face forced to reader to take a hard look to determine the cover girl.  Albeit the use of matches with the tagline "Girl on Fire" was a little corny, the use of fire imagery was a welcome change in fashion and beauty covers.

Shannon's Pick #2: Harper's Bazaar "Super Style" cover.  This cover stood out to me because it was unique.  On fashion and beauty covers, there is almost always a celebrity in a designer outfit with a headlines surrounding the headshot- anything that breaks that pattern is a good cover in my book.  This cover was divided into squares 4 down and 6 across.  In each box was either a figure dressed in black or white or one of the letters that spelled out "Bazaar."  The mixture of white, black, and red was stunning.

Shannon's Pick #1:  George Clooney on the cover of W.  George Clooney is in a completely polka dot outfit- need I say more?  The outfit is unique with the suit coat, dress shirt, and bow tie all in black and white polka dot patterns.  The background matched the print so the outfit fades away versus being the focal point.  The W logo and headline were in a pink and orange polka dot pattern.  This cover hosted a major celebrity, had unique styling, and a twist on W's usual cover design- absolute perfection!

Vote for your favorites on Facebook here: https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.10151870954861436.1073741848.59153151435&type=3

What were your favorite fashion and beauty covers in 2013?

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