High Standards, Higher Heels

High Standards, Higher Heels

Monday, February 24, 2014

ASME Lifestyle Covers of the Year

The American Society of Magazine Editors (ASME) does a Best Magazine Covers Reader's Choice Award every year.  Each week is a new category and participants "like" their favorite covers on Facebook.  Then the winners of each category compete for best magazine cover of the year.

This week (February 24th-28th)  the theme for the ASME best magazine covers is Lifestyle Magazines.  Vote for your favorites here: https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.10151883665056436.1073741850.59153151435&type=3

I reviewed by Top 3 Choices for Lifestyle Magazine Cover of the Year!

#3 Choice: Departures Magazine.  The jewels in the photograph caught the light and sparkled ensuring to catch my attention.  The magazine is a departure (I'm sorry I had to- it was right there waiting for me...) from the norm in magazine covers making it a contender for magazine cover of the year.

#2 Choice: The New York Times Magazine.  This cover features a photo of a face that is blurred to the point where it is unrecognizable.  The tagline is "The Price of a Stolen Childhood."  The frosted picture is haunting and causes the reader to look twice.

#1 Choice: Architectural Digest with Ralph Lauren cover is my vote for best Lifestyle Cover!  Anytime a non-fashion magazine features a fashion icon it catches my attention.  Putting Ralph Lauren on the cover made me wonder about the content of the article and therefore made me want to read the magazine-- the purpose of any great cover!

What are your favorites?  Let me know in the comments below!

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